
Ruff Wood is situated on the outskirts of the historic market town of Ormskirk. Whilst relatively small (the main circuit around the outskirts taking about 15 minutes), there are plenty of 'off-road' trails for you to weave in and out of. An old quarry in the centre is fun to explore and find a peacful spot for reflection.

Geat pride has obviously been taken over the site, as a wood-carved sign welcomes you to the woods, and you'll find carved creatures dotted around the area.

There is on-street parking down one side of the woods, though this is limited so parking could be difficult in peak times. The other streets alongside the woods are no parking, so be careful to check for restrictions wherever you do park.

Bins are placed at the entrances and there are at least four of these. Watch out that two sides of the woods are along roads, so close control of your pooch is needed near here.

Whilst the path around the outskirts is relatively well made (suitable for a pram probably), it and the other trails can get very muddy in the wetter months so make sure you wear suitable footwear.

Good to Know

Dog waste bins on site
Dog accessories available

Itineraries Featured In

Ruff Wood
Ormskirk Quarry Trail and Food

Traverse an old quarry before heading into the old market town of Ormskirk for some fantastic feel-good food at Nordico Lounge.

Last updated 23 Sep 2020, 1:10 p.m. | Disclaimer

Ruff Wood