Station Pub and Grill

Gold Award

For a truly dog-friendly place in the heart of Lytham St Annes, look no further

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Station Pub and Grill is in the heart of Lytham and is really dog friendly. There doesn't seem to be an area of the pub that dogs can't be in, and you'll find plenty of them!

Water bowls and treats (for £1) are available for your pooch, as is a great fuss. You can tell the staff love being surrounded by their pooch pals. You'll find a lot of locals here but with it being a tourist spot, you'll find newbies there, too, making for a very friendly place. The food is your usual pub grub and hits the spot after a walk on the beach!

Good to Know

Water bowls available
Treats available

Itineraries Featured In

Lytham St Anne's Beaches
Lytham St Anne's Beach Experience

Explore the dual beaches of Lytham St Anne's before heading over to the Station Pub and Grill to earn back those calories you burned!

Last updated 24 Sep 2020, 1:57 p.m. | Disclaimer

Station Pub and Grill